Tuesday, May 03, 2005

To be or not to be

Used to be together 6 years back, guy is a poly student, gal is sec 3. Gal went up to sec 4, Olevels year, felt too committed to this relationship, needs to concentrate more on her Olevels. So guy told her to put priority on her studies and shall hang out less together. Eventually, due to the lack of committment and communications, this relationship drifted apart and in the end they lost total contact of each other. 6 years past, guy still thinks of gal. Guy decided to try locating gal and resume contact. Guy went onto friendster, managed to find gal. Gal is in a relationship, intimate photos of gal with current boyfriend are posted, guy is devastated, guy did not expect this kind situation to happen, lost and know not what to do now. Guy is not sure if he should leave gal a msg, to regain contact, guy is afraid to take NO as an answer,guy does not want to be just friends with gal, guy wants leave memories as sweet rather than to spoil everything. Memories is all that guy has left. Guy lacks the confident. What should guy do?
The above mentioned is a true story based on the life of Mr XXX(name has been changed to protect the identity this guy), my beloved friend and bunkmate. XXX, like Joel, Minghui and I were telling you, GO FOR IT! All you have to do is leave her a msg on friendster. Who knows, you might get unexpected results. If all else fails, the least you could be are friends, sweet memories still remain. Get an answer straight and move on with life rather than suffering longer. Do it and live without regrets rather than missed the chance and regret for life. Remember that the 2nd mouse that did not give up always gets the cheese. Live like the 2nd mouse. I know all these are easy to say, but infact they are difficult to carry out. Think through it, muster up all the courage you have and JUST DO IT! If you succeed, we will all be happy for ya, if you fail, afraid not, you still have US! Remember, "A man gonna do what a man has to do, afraid not". You have our support.
Sometimes I wonder, Is it fortunate to be in love or it is a mishap? It can bring a person up so high but it can also make him fall from great heights and never recover. People always say that to be loved is much better than to love. I think it doesnt matter either way because when love happens, its a 2 way thing. To love but when the other party's feelings are not mutual, does it feel so great to reject others? I reckon not. It suck to be rejected and it also suck to reject others, by rejecting others, you are causing misery to befall on him/her but if you accept him/her, you will feel miserable because the feeling is not mutual. So its a 2 way thing. Love is really blind, it sees not what others would see and it see what others would not see.
" This bud of love, by summer's ripening breath, May prove a beauteous flower when next we meet. "
William Shakespeare


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