Thursday, March 23, 2006

Overwhelmed by approaching deadlines

Overwhelmed by the Projects, presentations and term papers deadlines. Time never seems to be enough or maybe I am wasting too much time.

I got my Abn psyc quiz results. Totally disgusted. 64/75. Speaks for itself. Period.

Exams is less than a month away. The mere thought of it sends shivers down the spine, induces countless nightmares, revokes peaceful nights, metamorphosize butterflies in the stomach. Well..not that serious yet but if I do not take action soon...

The talk of elections is all over town. Widely publicized by the papers daily. PAP hopes to get back all the seats from the oppositions and maintain a single party government. Isnt that what they say at every general elections? Well, I'm not keeping abreast with updates of this upcoming elections. West Coast GRC is not being contested. Walkover. There goes my voting chance again. Let's not even say MPs walking aroung to shake hands, putting up posters during this election period, I've not even seen my MPs once in my 8years of stay here, less shake their hands and say Hi. Last elections in 2001, my GRC was also walkovered. So much for a democratic state.

Some politician from the opposition was jailed for a day and fined a few thousands bucks. He was declared bankrupt previously because he failed to pay punitive damages to the plaintiffs. So being bankrupt he obviously cannot pay the fine and therefore he was put behind bars for another 6days. Another such opposition leader, is involved in a reckless driving charge pending trial, the prosecution are willing to change the charge to a less serious one provided he plead guilty. Strangely, politicians are getting involved in lawsuits as the elections draws nearer. Under the act, anyone convicted with a sentence of more than 6months jailterm and is fined with 2000bucks or more, are not allowed to run for elections.

Politics is just a game of survival. The fittest survives. The weak ones sacrifice. PAP suffered a freak election results in 1984. Will it happen again? Now the baby bonus is for all. No more is it only for Graduates couples with kids. The legacy will prevail, I supposed.

Why the hell did I start talking about politics for? Maybe I should move to Hougang or Potong Pasir. It is should be more exciting over there. Just filling up some survey forms will blow up into such a big matter. Poor residents. Maybe I've made the right choice of not going into Political Science.

Oh..I read this interesting article on the papers last week. It says that under our constitutional act, loans of whatever amount that one lends to a friend or relative, the creditor has to retreive the full amount within a period of 6years from the day the debtor borrowed the money. After 6years, this loan will be void, so even with a contract or IOU, it will not be accepted as evidence of loan to the court. It will be taken as if this loan never existed. So hurry! Go borrow a few hundred thousands from your friend now, be a arsehole and delay payment for 6 years and after that you are free from debt. That is provided he is dumb enough not to take legal actions against you in that period of 6 years. Many attempts had been made by people in the legal profession over these years to evoke this act, but apparently it still stays. For good or bad? I don't know.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Attention all NSmen!

Attention to all NSmen, hear this out.

My NS buddy who is now studying in Toronto, whom needs not serve anymore ICTs just told me this in exact words,

"a man is only happy when in the battlefield..."

"my shoulders ache - too long it has been since they've felt the sweet burden of a 20 kg field pack..."

"i sleep in my bed and when i wake up every morning, i grope around for the rifle at my side that isnt there, but wait - im not outfield!"

"walking on campus in between classes, i pat my non existent cargo pockets for the map that isnt there"

"when im thirsty, i reach for my 2.0 litres of water in my SBO... but i close my fingers around air" dear Joel, did I miss out any parts?! lousy 3SG!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Mobilisation Exercise

Square Kite! Square Kite!

Detachment ICs sre supposed to call up everyone staying in his area whom are liable for recall to inform them of a mob ex coming up, get your stuffs ready and things like that. Screw that IC in my area for he did not inform of anything. Woke up at 1430hr on Saturday afternoon, thinking I can get started on the loads of shit I've to clear. Saw YY's SMS saying that some guys had been called up, before I can reply, the phone rang, the lady goes, "you have been mobilised, please report to your moblisation centre as soon as possible."

Crap, no idea where to report, no idea what to bring! Call Gallen and ask him everything, apparrently he was the det IC for his area, so he knows everything. So it goes report in smart 4, full battle order to nee soon camp. My duffle bag, lying in the store room ever since I ORDed. Luckily my Uniforms are kept in Ziplocks, if not how to wear?! Imagine putting on 1 year of dust! I wont survive the trip to camp! Selectively threw in some items and off I go to meet Wenhao and Gallen at bukit Panjang afterwhich Wenhao drove us down.

Smart 4. What smart 4?! I put on my crumpled Uniform, half folded sleeves and make my way out! Did not bring my helmet, brought my jungle hut instead. I wonder need helmet for what? Only infantry soldiers wear helmets! But in the end, my name was taken down for not bringing my helmet. if i care?! Reached there queued up, after scanning our 11b, we could leave. What a waste of time!

So in the end, the whole company of specs made our way to AMK to have our dinner. Hahax..Some kind of a FORCED gathering after close to a year. Great time catching up with one another. 6 tables joined with close to 20 guys in Uniforms, with hair in different colour and length, eating, drinking beer, smoking away like nobody's business. I guess this is what they call NSmen.

Joel, want to know what a NSmen aka Reservist feels like? Fly back from Toronto man! lolx..

Well..they were saying that there wont be any BRC anymore. Does that mean Im outta job? Does that mean that I need not go back for ICT anymore? That will be great if it happens. No more cross country biking at Lor ASRAMA, no more Ex Longwalk at 12noon along Lim Chu Kang, no more 72hr combat rations and 300% batteries. Most importantly, no one will be there to say, "take it in the right spirit", "play by ears", "how come walk for so long still down here", when the person who said this sits in the Rover and drives around.

YY wont take anymore extra duties for riding helmetless, HMTs wont be spoilt cuz i wont have the chance to throw it in the drain, the poor 5SIR people wont lose 2 Attennas consectively for 2 exercise all due to their own stupidity, and not forgetting the carton of beer proudly sponsered by the specialist mess. lolx..

Country above self!! My ass! lolx..

Team Commander
Bridage Reconnaissance Company (BRC)
Reported for duty.

BRC Ho' Eh!!!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Unit Camp

Unit Camp starts today and breaks on Friday, I'm only going down tommorrow. Guess what!? I'm the camp medic! With my half past six first aid skills attained long before dinosaurs roamed the streets, not yet expired though, Aug 2007. Lolx..

Supposed to watch the King Edward Hall Production this evening, but that as usual fickle minded Anqi, told me today to watch the Temasek one this friday. So well, watch on Friday then..

After school, went to NUH to visit my NCO, then went to the newly reopened JurongWest Library to do some readings till 1930hr, too lazy to eat out, so came back home and eat instant noodle. So here I am slacking away now, waiting for money to drop from the sky....Shall continue waiting...laterx...

Get well soon!!

Last Friday during parade time, just before dismissal, one of my NCO collapsed on the parade square. We carried her into the shade, shivering, cold clammy hands, fast breathing, a pulse of 106. Likelihood of hyperventilating. Calmed her down, regulated her breathings everything back to normal except that she was still in a daze with her eyes closed. Carried her to NPCC Room, the moment she touched the sofa, she started screaming real loudly continously. Like she is in a trance. Called her parents, her dad came down, blame us for not calling the ambulance early, so he called, and my NCO was hospitalized.

Yesterday, Vincent told me she was still hospitalized, for 5 days already. In a bad condition, lost her memory since friday, only could remember her parents, could not walk, limbs are weak, her IQ has become that of a 5-7yr old kid, my NCO is 15 by the way. Doctors did a brain scan and found nothing wrong with the brain. Horrible.

Went to visit her today, surprisingly she remembered who I am. I asked if she know me I am, she replied yes, i ask her to say my name, she said sir weiwen. Outstanding! Her dad said she got alot better. Now she can walk already, and she can comprehend what I am saying, so I guess her IQ is back to normal but she is not back to her old cherry and lively self, all her replies to me Qn are all nods and shake heads, yes or no. Her dad told me she could be discharged today or tommorrow. The Doctors told her dad that it was due to stress and anxiety.

Stress and anxiety probably makes her susceptible to Dissociative Amnesia, a psychological disorder, but does not explain for the lost of IQ. Hmmm..perhaps its dissociative identity disorder(mulitple personality disdisorder)? Maybe I'm right, who knows? Anyway, the doctor did recommend her to undergo therapy. Nonetheless, hope she gets well soon. I asked her if she wants to go back to NPCC, she told me yes!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Taking a breather...Phew~~

Alright, here I am again, after surviving 2 quizzes yesterday and today. There are still tonnes of stuff to be done but screw it, let me slack abit 1st.

Abnormal Psyc Quiz was not that easy I think, played abit of the guessing game, its MCQ anyway but guess the score won't be as high as the previous quiz. For general knowledge, a quarter to half of all suicide cases are due to Alcohol intake and abuse. That was one of the Question I did not know. Crap..I put working stress as my answer, dumb right?!

Today's Theatre Studies Quiz was alot better. Short answers, 50 marks. Marked on the spot. I got 45marks. Not too bad but could have been better. The 5marks I got wrong for, are all that I studied before, it just left my brain at that point of doing the quiz. Psychologists call it "encoding failure", i call this stupidity. lolx...

Oh, I got back my Philosophy term paper on Mon too. Got a pathetic 15/25, B-. What crap results!! Guess I'm not a philosophical person at all. I told Kaijun previously that this is the worst paper I've written to date. Ah Ha! It turns out to be true! B-, my worst grade to date for all my papers. Hope I wont get anything worse than this anytime soon.

Attended NUS NPCC AGM in law fac on Saturday. It was held in Law because our OC is a law prof. 1300hr to 2015hr. 7 long long hours. Nearly killed me. I was so damn hungry toward the end. Elected the 25th Exco. Actually I was really not interested in who gets elected and what not. My only purpose is to clock my hours and clear my probation. Realistic? Yes.

I just realised something shitty. On the 28th March 2006, I've got 4 things due, 1. Theatre play critique, 800-1600words, 2. Marketing report, 12 pages, 3. Marketing presentation slides due, present on the 29th, 4. Biological psychology "game show" tutorial Questions and presentation. Everything on the same day! How exciting! The suspense and excitement is killing me! And is is exactly 2 weeks from today. I'm not counting down....

I'm feeling more and more detached from reality, derealization I think. Coup up all day with school shit. Right now, I got to research on my marketing project, to be discussed tmr. After which I got to memorize my script for theatre's practical tmr also. Arrgghh...Never ending pile of shit. Its 1 month away from reading week, meaning to say, its 1 and a half months away from the summer vacations!!! Seems fast yet slow, relativity? Back to reality...Later guys.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Things to Do..MANY things to do...

Just keeping track of things I need to do, before I forget and deadline is over, then I will be DEAD!

Coming Sat: NUS NPCC AGM 1300-1800hr (what a waste of time!!)

Next Mon: Abn Psyc Test (20%)

Next Tues: Theatre theory Test (12.5%)

Biological Psyc project presentation due 3weeks from now. (15%)

Marketing Project: Research by 14March
Report due 28March
Presentation 29March (25%)

Marketing News Article Report x 5 by last tutorial. (10%)

Abnormal Psyc Term paper: 10 Apr (20%)

Philosophy Term paper 2: End March (25%)

Semester Exam: 21st to 28th Apr. (all the rest of %%% for 5 modules!!!!!!!!)

Wah!!! So many things to do! Where is the time?!!!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Missing in Action!

For those who might be thinking I might had passed on, after that sickly post last week, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm still good and going. Well, had been rather lazy, oh i mean busy of late, no mood to ignite the underlying hidden linguistic fire, to let the flames of passion burn in the hearts of all readers. Crap..

Went to Sentosa on Saturday. So hot and sunny, now I'm burnt and itching all over. It was crowded. I think mostly went for the Beach Fiesta at Siloso beach, where there is these hunks and babes from the different Unis and Polys. We were at the Palawan beach, where things were more peaceful. hang around from noon till 4pm. Washed up and we guys headed to geylang to eat beef horfun. Went to chill in some pubs after dinner till late.

Was supposed to be Carter's bachelors' nights out on Sat at Double O. Yes. He is getting married soon, gonna leave our club soon. lolx..It was cancelled at eleventh hour because his brother was hospitalized. Hope his brother get well soon.

Went to watch Brokeback mountain on Sun with dear. Great movie. Oscars best adapted screenplay, best director. 8 nominations, clinched 3 awards. Homosexuality in the 1960s in the states. Socio-cultural restrictions.

Abnormal Psychology test coming up next mon. Tonnes of shit to cover with that meaninglessly long-winded textbook and hopelessly useless lecture notes.