Monday, March 06, 2006

Missing in Action!

For those who might be thinking I might had passed on, after that sickly post last week, sorry to disappoint you, but I'm still good and going. Well, had been rather lazy, oh i mean busy of late, no mood to ignite the underlying hidden linguistic fire, to let the flames of passion burn in the hearts of all readers. Crap..

Went to Sentosa on Saturday. So hot and sunny, now I'm burnt and itching all over. It was crowded. I think mostly went for the Beach Fiesta at Siloso beach, where there is these hunks and babes from the different Unis and Polys. We were at the Palawan beach, where things were more peaceful. hang around from noon till 4pm. Washed up and we guys headed to geylang to eat beef horfun. Went to chill in some pubs after dinner till late.

Was supposed to be Carter's bachelors' nights out on Sat at Double O. Yes. He is getting married soon, gonna leave our club soon. lolx..It was cancelled at eleventh hour because his brother was hospitalized. Hope his brother get well soon.

Went to watch Brokeback mountain on Sun with dear. Great movie. Oscars best adapted screenplay, best director. 8 nominations, clinched 3 awards. Homosexuality in the 1960s in the states. Socio-cultural restrictions.

Abnormal Psychology test coming up next mon. Tonnes of shit to cover with that meaninglessly long-winded textbook and hopelessly useless lecture notes.


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