Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Taking a breather...Phew~~

Alright, here I am again, after surviving 2 quizzes yesterday and today. There are still tonnes of stuff to be done but screw it, let me slack abit 1st.

Abnormal Psyc Quiz was not that easy I think, played abit of the guessing game, its MCQ anyway but guess the score won't be as high as the previous quiz. For general knowledge, a quarter to half of all suicide cases are due to Alcohol intake and abuse. That was one of the Question I did not know. Crap..I put working stress as my answer, dumb right?!

Today's Theatre Studies Quiz was alot better. Short answers, 50 marks. Marked on the spot. I got 45marks. Not too bad but could have been better. The 5marks I got wrong for, are all that I studied before, it just left my brain at that point of doing the quiz. Psychologists call it "encoding failure", i call this stupidity. lolx...

Oh, I got back my Philosophy term paper on Mon too. Got a pathetic 15/25, B-. What crap results!! Guess I'm not a philosophical person at all. I told Kaijun previously that this is the worst paper I've written to date. Ah Ha! It turns out to be true! B-, my worst grade to date for all my papers. Hope I wont get anything worse than this anytime soon.

Attended NUS NPCC AGM in law fac on Saturday. It was held in Law because our OC is a law prof. 1300hr to 2015hr. 7 long long hours. Nearly killed me. I was so damn hungry toward the end. Elected the 25th Exco. Actually I was really not interested in who gets elected and what not. My only purpose is to clock my hours and clear my probation. Realistic? Yes.

I just realised something shitty. On the 28th March 2006, I've got 4 things due, 1. Theatre play critique, 800-1600words, 2. Marketing report, 12 pages, 3. Marketing presentation slides due, present on the 29th, 4. Biological psychology "game show" tutorial Questions and presentation. Everything on the same day! How exciting! The suspense and excitement is killing me! And is is exactly 2 weeks from today. I'm not counting down....

I'm feeling more and more detached from reality, derealization I think. Coup up all day with school shit. Right now, I got to research on my marketing project, to be discussed tmr. After which I got to memorize my script for theatre's practical tmr also. Arrgghh...Never ending pile of shit. Its 1 month away from reading week, meaning to say, its 1 and a half months away from the summer vacations!!! Seems fast yet slow, relativity? Back to reality...Later guys.


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