Saturday, May 05, 2007

Freeeeeeeeeee as a BIRDDDDDDDDY!!!!

I'm freeeeee as a Birddddddy now! Finally the exams are over...Pray hard grades will be good, hope CAP will improve after suffering from a little setback last semester.

Went to KBOX with Queenie ger today..sang our lungs has been donkey years since I last went K-ing...Most of the singing these days are done in the toilet and maybe when walking on the streets, singing out loud, making ger running for cover..lolx....Soooo sad, she cant sing the duet (or was it a counterpoint to begin with? lolx) properly with me today, of which she said she can usually sing it with some others...muahahahx...Tooooooo bad for meeeee.

Going to Anqi's 21st birthday party later today. Post celebrations, tooo bad to have birthdays amidst exams..lolx...Was thinking of ways to SABOTAGE her...Actually there are thousands and one way...Hmmmmm...All of which will make her suck thumb and dive into her grave to hide forever...BUT...but...but..ME being ME, the friendly nice little boy, I shall not be mean to her! hahax...So no sabotage from ME!!! Ehhh...I cant guarantee Queenie wont do it thou (she is the mean one u see...oopx =X)...muahahax. Cant wait to

Oh ya..if anyone had seen the MOON tonight, It was damn damn BIG and ROUND!!! For a moment I thought the moon was crashing into Earth...Lolx...I thought I saw CHANG ER sitting around with the bunny....hmmm..delusions and hallucinations....lolx..

Looking at the clock, the time shown verified by the time on my watch and HP, my clock is a valid measure of time (relationship wiht measures of other same construct)..its telling me 1 thing, 1 very important signal it is sending me.....Its time to sleep...

Sighz off..i mean sign off..laterz...


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