Monday, June 20, 2005


Been working for a week already, no time to really rest, becuz everyday is a working day. I'm real tired. Try stand for 8hr/day for 6days. Maybe I'm not sales person material, for the entire week, I only sold 2 LCD TVs, my god!, not even a PLASMA!
Although sales figures is poor, I did learn alot of sales techniques in this one week. From every one customer that did not buy anything from me, I learnt something, I learnt how to deal with the same kind of person the next time I encounter them. I also learnt how to deal with difficult customers, customers who are skeptical about unheard brands etc etc.
Its good that I started this sales line in a unknown/ relatively new company. It takes alot of effort and time to convince people into believing me and actually fork out a couple of hundreds of dollars to buy something they had not even heard of. So even though I only sold 2 LCD TVs, for the entire week, I'm quite satisfied, at least I can convince 2 person to buy my product. It is the sense of satisfaction you attain when your customer buys from you, especially when your product's name is unheard of. If you are the sales person for leading brands like PIONEER, HITACHI, you can just put other brands down and lift up your own brand, becuz ppl know that your product has some kind of standings in the market. But for me, I cannot put other brands down to compliment myself, based on what? my customer will ask. So I 've to compliment others, at the same time, compliment my own products, then state out what stands out in my products when compared to other leading brands and its up to them to believe me and thats what it is most difficult. Nevertheless, I will continue to try hard. My 1st PLASMA TV will be sold soon! This coming week, Im going to target at 2 PLASMA TVs! Shall see.
I've been smoked free for a week. The last stick i lighted was on the 13th June 2005 at 1130hrs. That was the last and final time I smelled like an ashtray. I feel that quitting smoking is such a simple thing to do, why didn't I do that long time ago? I would have saved lots of $$ by now. Coming to think about it, the ability for a person to succeed in whatever he wants to do, largely depends on how great his desire in succeeding is, and this desire is all up in the mind. When your mind think you will, YOU CAN! Likewise for quitting smoking, if your desire to quit is not strong, your reasons to quit is not substantiate, then most probably, I would say is you will fail.
With strong desire and a clear objective, anything is possible becuz IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING! I will sell 2 or more sets of PLASMA next week. Not becuz I wanna earn more on commission, becuz the commission and pay im earning is peanuts, If i tell you my earnings, you will definitely wonder why am I still working with this company, I might as well be working in Macdonalds, maybe i will earn more.hahaz! Its becuz I want to be able to convince customers in believing in what I say. Becuz I believe that to most people, money is a very important factor in life, making these people fork out from their pocket a few thousand dollars in buying something that they themselves are not familiar with, when I am able to do that, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE, I believe that when a person's persuasion and convincing power increases, his EARNING power definitely increases, not only in terms of sales but same goes to other aspect in life. Becuz as a sales person, you are not only selling your products, you are at the same time selling yourself. If you are able to sell yourself well, sometimes the products doesn't even comes into the picture.
I am really tired but I will continue to STRIVE!


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