Sunday, July 31, 2005

Shit does really happen!

I couldn't get the modules i bidded for, I'm so damn disappointed. It seems like I'm the only idiot in the entire Faculty that did not get my bidded modules. Haiz! Having asked around, all my other friends got whatever they wanted. I'm the only fool left!! Failing to plan, is planning to fail. I planned! Maybe I'm just a failure, so it makes not much of a difference. Anyway outta the 4 modules i bidded, I got 2 of them, psychology and malay studies. i couldn't get philosophy and political science. Can anyone believe it?!!!! Quota was exceeded for political science and i was out- bidded!! Since when has everyone became so damn interested in POLITICS!
Right now, I'm so lost I also do not know what to do. Can only wait for monday when round 2a of bidding begins. I would probably stick to bid for the same modules, if not I would change political science to economics. Shall see how. Shit happens and it always happen to me! I'm going for flag day on tues, to accumulate some good deeds by doing the community good. Shit can't be always happening to me right!!?!
Okie, enough of shit that happened. Today, I went for a seminar at Suntec convention hall. This talk is titled " WATER, more than just H2O". The speaker is a japanese professor, Dr Masaru Emoto, author of this book "The Hidden Messages In Water". Dr Emoto is an expert in the studies of water, he discovered that water has a few characteristics which I deem very few of us are aware of. Basically, what Dr Emoto did was, he took water samples from all over the world, different sources of water, he freezes them and then he magnified it to 200times under the mircoscope, he took photographs of what he sees under the mircoscope. Different water from different sources produces different shapes and sizes of water crystals. Afterwhich, he did different experiments to these water sample, then discover that Water has "life". He found that water will react differently when placed in different conditions. Like when he place the water in a musical envionment, the water crystals formed would be much more beautiful than when its not exposed to music. Like when he paste different words on the bottle of water and leave it for 24hrs, those bottle of water with words like thank you, love etc would produce every clear and beautiful crystals as compared to those exposed to very negative words. Wonderful isn't it?! When the water is exposed to certain pictures for a period of 24hrs, the crystals formed would be of resemblance to the picture it was exposed to. He also made 18 children said prayers to a water sample. The original water's crystal was very vague and unclear, after the children said their prayers to the water, the water produces very clear and beautiful crystals. Very interesting facts I learnt about water during this seminar. It was 25bucks well spent. The only bad point was the speaker spoke in japanese, so there was this female translater, who is also a japanese, so when she translates, her english is kinda werid and hard to understand, so I gotta listen very intently to know whats going on.
Anyway, for those who are interested to know what the water crystals look like, go to:
Hmm..Despite not being able to successfully bid my modules, I did learnt something new today. Despite being a failure for that, I shall not give up, and I will continue to strive. Dwelling over spilled milk brings me no where. I WILL succeed at my next bidding round because I am the BEST!


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