Wednesday, September 14, 2005

I'm exfoliating!

Great Wednesday morning! I was doing my SG Society readings before this and I realised the more I read, the drowsier I get, wondering if the readings have a hynotic effect on me or is it vice versa, maybe the readings are getting drowsy too as I read them! Who knows?!

After Saturday's Sentosa trip, I am now exfoliating all over, especially my face and my back! Its peeling damn badly, now I've got a few different shades of tan on my face. Disgusting! Whats worse?! They itch!!! Really itchy! Coming to think about it, its so strange, sat's sun at the beach wasnt that itimidating, it was quite cloudy I would say and it also drizzled quite a few times the entire afternoon. Its probably the Ultra Violet Rays. Well, I don't know, aint no science student no more! Lolx!

I got back my Japanese Quiz from last week's lesson, the one which I studied the wrong chapter. I got 3/10 for my Grammar/Vocab part, 12/30 for my Katakana part(I'm not the lowest in class for both the quiz though.lolx). Horrible results rite?! If this goes on, I would probably fail my Japanese language at the end of the semester. I gotta pull up my STOCKINGS!!! Socks aint high enough I supposed. I think I did pretty ok for this week's quiz though..hopfully.

Out of my 3 Japanese Tutorial, the one I dread going to is my TB class, which is every thursdays, 8-10am. TA class has a vocab/ grammar quiz weekly, TC class we have to memorize conversations and "perform" during class, and for TB class, nothing! No quiz, no performance, we only need to submit a piece of homework from the workbook which is quite a piece of cake up till now.

So why do I dread going for TB classes? I guess its because its at 8am! My brain aint working yet! In TB class, the tutor will go through some of the grammar we learnt and let us practice with each other, then she wants to hear us speak. Well, everytime she calls my name, I would give her a blank look and wonder what the hell is going on. I guess by now, I've been blacklisted by her already. Last week after class, she told me not to read off word for word in the book, I should listen to what she said and repeat after her. See! She knows that I'm in a daze 90% of the time. It doesn't make things better that I'm the only species of the male anatomy in her class.

I think my mood is getting better this week. It has been on the drift for the past 2 weeks. Probably because term break is approaching. Actually not much of a break, after the break are all the mid-term exam, so its as good as a study week. But anyway, its really time to rest, catch up with readings, and think about what the hell am I doing for the past 6weeks. Been wandering motivelessly and meaninglessly for the last 6weeks, I need to pick myself up real soon and set myself in the correct directions so to speak. I gotta change the EPITOME of MY LIFE!!!!!

The year 2005 hasn't been too great a period of time for me, ever since I ORDed especially, ill luck and bad happenings has been befalling on me. Well, I've got the most recent bad news! My psych lect is fr 8-10 every tues, and my Jap lect is fr 10-12 on the same day, in the same LT. So after my term break, there will be a mid-term exam for both modules, and it will be during the 1st lect after term break which is the 27th sep 2005. Psych paper will last 90min followed by a back to back 50min Jap paper! Life is just wonderful, It can't be any better.

I was reading the papers the other day, 2 guys had been charged by the authorities for posting up anti-Islamic thoughts and views on their blogs. Well, We all know that in Singapore, Religion has always been a very sensitive issue and thus the constitution enacted a bill that forbids any kind actions or speech per se that puts down any religions. What I'm trying to say is, you never know who is reading whatever you writing, so its better to write sensibly and be as objective as possible when penning down sensitive issues than to get your ass into some lawsuit unknowingly. Freedom of speech and Liberality doesn't go quite well in our present society, still.

Quoting my Psyc lecturer, "Everyone has a photographic memory, its just that some are without film". I guess I lost my flim along the way somewhere, thats why I've been clicking empty shots. I will upgrade to a Digi Cam and be back with a 1GB SD Card soon!


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