Friday, September 23, 2005

Qn Qn!

Some Questions to set you thinking..Taken out from my Psyc Textbook, a chapter on Thinking, Language and Intelligence. For sure they are not "Qian Bian Wei Da Ti".

1. Jane and Sue played six games of chess, and each of them won four. There were no ties. How was that possible?

2. An airliner from France crashes just off the coast of New Jersey within the teritorial waters of the United States. Although all of the passengers and crew were French citizens, none of the survivors was returned to France for burial. Why not?

3. A man used a key that allowed him tot enter but could not be used to open any locks. What kind of key was it?

5. If there are 3 apples, you took 2 away, how many would you have?

Have fun thinking..

Well now consider this about decision making,

You are told that a disease is expected to kill 600 people but that 2 programs are available that could save some or all of the people.
Program A has a 100% chance of saving 200 people. Program B has a 1/3 chance of saving all 600 people and a 2/3 chance that all 600 people will die.
Which program would you choose?

Now after choosing consider this, if I tell you now that,
Program A will cause 400 people to die. Program B, there will be 1/3 chance no one will die and a 2/3 chance that all 600 people will die.
Now which program would you choose?

3 out of 4 people chose A for the 1st set of choices and 3 out of 4 people chose B for the 2nd set of choices. Notice that the outcome of the 2 set of choices are exactly the same. The only difference is the Qn is framed in terms of potential gains or potential losses. It has been found that people are more conservative when deciding between 2 potential gains thus resulting in the choice of program A in the 1st set of Qn. People are more willing to taking risks when choosing between 2 potential lossess as in B for the 2nd set.

This tendency for decisions to be influenced by how potential outcomes are phrased is called FRAMING. Framing can leads us to making decisions that are not based on a purely appraisal of the facts.

Thats all folks! Answers for the above Questions will be on my next post!!

Later! Lolx!


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