Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Autumn returns

It has been a long week ever since I got drank. Now I'm back. No, I didnt had a hangover for a week. I did more constructive stuff. I did not touch OH since then, and wont be for the next month I think. No more clubbing for me till after the exams!

Started studying for exams. My 1st paper is on the 17th Nov, last paper on the 1st Dec. It might seem still far away, but in fact its only 17days to be exact and due to my poor planning, I've got back to back papers on the 21st, 22nd and 23rd.

Good Luck and all the best to all NTU peepz having exams now.

I've got Jap Oral test next Fri, think I'm going to fail badly. I can only blabber nonsensical japanese.

1 more essay due next week. Done my part on it. Waiting for collation so I can start on the conclusion. Got to finish this essay soon, don't want to waste time on it.

Last week:

Went Sentosa on Sun(yest), big bright sun, contrary to the expected downpour, which has been so the past few days.

Fri went Seoul Graden for dinner with dear, 1 for 1. Eat till bloated. Drove Mr Wee to Double O(when you drink, go public..lolx), then went driving around in his car with dear. lolx..Waste petrol..Of course topped up for him after that.

Sat was mugging day. Econs econs..Marco is killing me. John Maynard Keynes "saved" the world with Keynesian theory but he nearly killed me.

Thurs went Marina Sq with dear and Angeline for dinner. Ate at HANS. My 1st time to Marina Sq after they revamped it. Half the shops are not in place yet.

Tues went to Police Academy(Tracom) to collect my Uniforms. Will be going for HO(Honorary Officer) Course in Dec. In case you are wondering, It just my CCA(NPCC). And if you are wondering again, YES, there is NPCC in NUS! The timeslot clashes with my MS lecture, and so for the 1st time in my entire semester, I skipped lecture.

Last Mon and Wed, are mugging days........

This week:

Today is DEPAVALI! Happy Devapali to all my Indian friends, there all not many though..lolx.

Studying just now..My Singapore Society readings..Cant understand a shit..Can't those ANGMOHs academics just use simple english, like the PROFs in NUS, whom readings are easily comprehended. Must they use those bombastical, metaphorical, analogical,imagerical words? Or maybe it just my english? Shalt complain..

Yesterday I was in school the whole afternoon doing my essay. So difficult, cant churn out anything. Started at 12nn, finished it at 1730hr. 5 and a half hrs. I think I am crazy. Took so long to write an essay of only 1300+ words.

Alright, I am going to watch TV, slack around, wait for Dinner, not going to touch my books anymore for the day.

Now playing: Jian Jian Dan Dan by JJ Lin JunJie.


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