Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Sleepless night

Japanese paper at 0900hr, waking up at 0730hr, its now 0345hr, can't really sleep the entire night.

Went to bed at 0000hr, woke up at 0130hr, went back to sleep, woke up at 0300hr again, and couldnt get back to sleep since.

No, its not examinations stress and anxiety that cause my sleeplessness. I've lost all that anxiety all too long ago. Together with it, I lost the motivation too. Now, I just want it to be over and done with real soon.

Let's talk about econs paper yesterday afternoon, I thought it was quite a difficult paper. The way the Questions were phrased and asked were quite different from the past year papers, which I had wholeheartedly worshipped right before the examination. It was mainly a test on concept and analytical thinking rather than a committment to memory work. I think I did okay, but so would the rest of the 650 odd of us who took the same paper. Not much hope for an A, probably a B+ would be good.

I've learned in my Psychology module that if one could not fall asleep, due to any reasons whatsoever, there is really no point forcing yourself to sleep by rolling all over your bed and getting frustrated over not being able to get sleep. All these bring about anxiety and all the more one cannot sleep. One should just get up and engage in something that would slow down the brain functioning and whatever that calms the mind, like reading or listening to music, and try getting back to sleep when you start feeling tired again. That would probably be more helpful.

So right here, I am typing whatever that comes to mind without thinking, hoping that by staring into the monitor would make me tired out, so that I can get back to sleep, and I think its working.............Yawnzz....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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