Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I had the time of my life...

Yesterday marks the end of the 29th HOBTC. Amidst the joy of graduating from this course which has been taking its toll on my health, I've been sick for a week now and thats its not getting any better it seems even though I've seen a doctor, there is this sudden sense of loss.

Having mixed around with the same bunch of people day in and out for 2weeks straight, there is this attachment grew unto each other aleady and its kinda sad to be parting so soon. "Parting is such sweet sorrow" as shakespear said, is it or is it not? Of course, the friendship that we had bulit upon would not end together with the course. Promises were made to keep in contact and stuff but judging from experiences drawn from CI course, schools and Army, these promises were often left to the back of the heart as time passes, nothing pessimistic, its just a phase of our life.

On a happier note, the ATC was of great fun excluding the mozzies, sand files and ants bites of course. The campfire was especially memorable for it was the sow of what our squad had reaped.

The course on the whole had widen my persective about life yet again, it had allowed me to sociallise with more people, learn more about interpersonal skills and also leveled up my proficiency in handling hard people. The soft skills learnt are life long and are definitely not bounded to only NPCC context. On a personal note, I've just passed another phase of my life leading me on to be a better person. I really had the time of my life.


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