Friday, December 02, 2005

I've finally decided on my Major.

Was thinking about my major the whole, finally decided and declared it. I am a Psychology Major as of now on. The comtemplation between Psychology and Economics has been bugging me for the whole semester already.

I realised that I have alot more interest in Psyc than in econs, and i would probably do better and be happier if I do psyc. No, it did not take me a semester to realise my interest. The thing that is weighing me down is prospect. It has just incur on me that going along that line would bring me no where and I should decide on which path would bring forth a happier Wei Wen in the next 4 years. This path that I have chosen today will also push me harder toward my honours because to attain a BA in psychology is as good as having nothing at all.

Bachelor of Social Sciences with honours(2nd upper division) in Pyschology would be my goal at the moment.

Wish me Luck!


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