Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Exercising is the word.

Alright, after incidence of protest and unwanted grumblings from that "many few" on my tag board, I've decided to speak nothing on sleep in this entry. I just woke up nonetheless. Lolx..

Done with my Abn psyc Quiz on Monday, relatively easy quiz i supposed. That means I will be scoring relatively average on the bell curve also. Suck! Lolx! Caught up with my theatre's readings last night. All my readings are piling up already. Esp for Bio psyc, I've not touched the brand new textbook yet. Soon I will, as I would suppose.

And as the title of this entry suggests, Yes! I am gonna move my ass and start exercising on a regular basis. I am growing fat like an balloon and my IPPT still needs to be cleared. And when the SAF is giving out $$$$, how can I miss it!! lolx.. Actions speaks louder than words. I am going jogging at the stadium with Shawn now! Yes I mean now!!! Immediately!

Later! lolx..


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