Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I finally put words into action, I finally booked my IPPT date. Had been talking about it for months to train up, tone up and all that crap, yesterday finally log in to book the test date. My window closes on the 31st Aug, so I must clear it before that date. My test date is on the 11th July, exactly a month away. I MUST clear it and at least attain a silver.

Went for a run with shawn a while ago. Our last run was 4months back. You can imagine how long ago that was, when I last exercised. The run was bones breaking, lungs bursting and muscles cramping and what not. Alot more to catch up. I must work hard for this month.

Sales hasnt improve much since I last blog. Except for Sat's midnight sales, the rest of the days are pathetic. I wonder if its me, the crowd or the place. I guess it must be largely me. I'm not working this thurs to sun. Going for my unit's NCO camp. A good break for me. Working ever since exams finished till now. Maybe after this break, I will be more energised and regenerated to accomplish more sales.

I've finished reading the Dale Carnegie book some time back. I want to blog about it but it would be rather long so I will find days on which I have more time to do so. Currently reading a book by Napolean Hill, "Think and Grow Rich". This book is published in the same year as "How to Win friends", 1937. The content is as what its title suggest, how to think and grow rich, encompassing desire, faith, imagination and alot more. Focuses on the subconscious mind and how to tap on it to release your maximum potential. Another good book.

Napolean Hill's famous quote, "Desire is the starting point of all achievements, it is not a hope, it is not a wish, but a keen, pulsating desire which transcended everything else".

I've been reading everyday on the train enroute work and back. I think its the best time and the only time I can find to read with such a work schedule. At least I spending my time fruitfully.

JIA YOU! I'm The BEST! Laterz.


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